Great Skin

Jason Benson, Donna Chung, Joel Dean, Jessica Hans, Ian Horowitz, Ajay Kurian, Strauss Bourque-LaFrance, Sam Lipp
June 7 - July 21, 2013



When the sun reached the golden hour I was called into the garden. I hadn't intended to go, but my mood was fine and wandering felt right. Wading in the water still and serene, quietly sliding downstream to a pool untouched and smelly. Now naked, now cold, I move like a cat in a cloud, soft and frictionless. Unusual you, you walk between the clouds and only on the smooth parts. By definition you are stranded yet happy.

Wading on land, I'm interrupted by a body passing noiselessly through the brush. You're forgotten and now I focus. This place shows some good secrets. The smaller ferns begin to unfurl, sensual and slow. The dizzy flora makes itself known, waving a thousand happy hands. To find you, I stay still and wait. "Oh there she is!" Watching you closely, my interruption and my muse. Stretching your feet and staring at the ground I see you've found the key, the yet untold truth to clarity and peace of mind. Jealousy sweeps through me leaving a ringing in my ears. Even from here I see your great skin, your glow.

-Alison Veit


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